Watched the video; absolutely agree.
Stephen Fry is English which explains his brilliance.
"it is perfectly apparent that god is monstrous, utterly monstrous, and deserves no respect whatsoever.
the moment you banish him, your life become purer, simpler, cleaner; more worth living in my opinion.".
Watched the video; absolutely agree.
Stephen Fry is English which explains his brilliance.
rev 17:9 describes something about the "woman", the harlot, babylon the great:.
here is where the intelligence that has wisdom comes in: the seven heads mean seven mountains, where the woman sits on top.
and there are seven kings: five have fallen, one is, the other has not yet arrived, but when he does arrive he must remain a short while.. i was dreaming about this verse last night, so i thought i'd look it up.
i keep reading that jehovah's witnesses are in effect monsters.
i keep reading that they kinda leave chaos and distrust in their wake.
so i simply wondered if anyone had anything nice to say about them?.
i just came back from visiting family in south america (will keep the name of the country out for now) and i was shocked by the amount of jws i saw on the street.
keep in mind that most countries in sa have been under military rule until the early 80s, with the general fear and mindset sticking around until the late 90s, even when the military was gone and democracy re established.
jw were not around when i lived there.
if you do believe in the bible's message, do you believe society has gotten better, worse, or has remained the same?.
if you don't believe in the bible's message, do you believe society has gotten better, worse, or has remained the same?.
on a personal note, there are many things that i can't help but notice that coincide with what the apostle paul wrote to timothy in his second letter chapter 3 regarding tough times:.
The Bible is a boring, rambling collection of ridiculous stories and dreams. Personal I prefer the works of Lewis Carroll's Alice's Adventures in Wonderland & Through the Looking Glass; they are more entertaining. Their absence of a mythical Hebrew desert god brings me much closer to reality.
in the past week, i have heard from a number of friends scattered all over the place.
a number of them are very upset over the congregation being required, to send in all monies over $4,000.
a number of these were kh's that were saving to buy land, and or build new kh's.
the year 2015 will have an extra second which could wreak havoc on the infrastructure powering the internet.. at 11:59 p.m. on june 30, clocks will count up all the way to 60 seconds.
that will allow the earth's spin to catch up with atomic time.. the earth's spin is gradually slowing down, by about two thousandths of a second per day, but atomic clocks are constant.
that means that occasionally years have to be lengthened slightly, to allow the slowing earth to catch up with the constant clock.. but last time it happened, in 2012, it took down much of the internet.
Every second counts.
The end of this old system and its overlapping generations could be nano-seconds closer than we think.
It behooves us to be mindful of the importance of the slowing march of time and how it f**** up Watchtower. predictions.
warning: poes law may apply.
i just wanted to take a moment and remind everyone that all muslims are good people.
"real" muslims would never kill in the name of their religion .
"I can only judge on the individuals I have met. None of them have ever killed anyone or planned to. "
I don't doubt you for a moment Kate. Even so, people are judged by the company they keep and the beliefs they share. The reign of Muslim terror will only be stopped by members who disagree walking away whatever the cost. If they choose to stay, then they are helping to support their leaders.
Muslims stay, regardless of the atrocities that are carried out, because they love Allah and believe they have the truth. If millions of Muslims disapprove of the violence, then they should publicly say so.
warning: poes law may apply.
i just wanted to take a moment and remind everyone that all muslims are good people.
"real" muslims would never kill in the name of their religion .
Kate..."Sadly many don't realise that not all Muslims are killers and take the Koran literally and tar all with one brush, when in fact most Muslims especially women and children are victims of this high control religion and don't know how to escape."
Kate, what makes you think that most Muslim women and children want to escape?
They want to stay and be rewarded by Allah because they believe they have the truth. They look up to their elders and share the same opinion of infidels as their men do.
They can't just hide behind their veils and their men and pretend that what their leaders do is nothing to do with them. Or maybe with enough apologists speaking up for them, they can continue to do just that.
warning: poes law may apply.
i just wanted to take a moment and remind everyone that all muslims are good people.
"real" muslims would never kill in the name of their religion .
Is Islam a religion of peace?
Check out the latest news from France:
"The two main suspects in the Islamist attack on Charlie Hebdo magazine in Paris are said to have robbed a service station in the north of France.
They stole food and petrol, firing shots as they struck at the roadside stop near Villers-Cotterets in the Aisne region, French media report.
France has observed a minute's silence for the 12 people killed at the office of the satirical magazine."